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Granite State Health Care Coalition- Virtual General Membership Meeting Save-the-Date

The Granite State Health Care Coalition (GSHCC) is pleased to announce the Granite State Health Care Coalition Virtual General Membership Meeting will occur on October 28, 2021. This meeting will provide all GSHCC partners with an opportunity to collaborate with colleagues from various sectors of the public health, healthcare, hospital, EMS, and emergency management landscapes. Attendees will have the opportunity to listen to presentations from healthcare and public health leaders on emerging topics of concern such as metal health resilience, COVID-19 impacts across sectors, cyber threat resilience and more! Additionally, this meeting will allow participants to discuss recent lessons learned, share best practices, and engage in problem solving activities. The agenda, registration information, and meeting link will be sent to all partners in early September. There is no cost to attend this meeting!


When: Thursday, October 28, 2021

Time: 8:30am- 12:00pm

Where: virtual

Who: all GSHCC partners on our email listserv, come one come all!


Please contact with questions or concerns.